Šri Hit Čaurasi,- Šri Hita Harivanšo Mahaprabhu poezijos/ maldų rinkinys. Šią knygą sudaro 84 eiliuoti tekstai. Dalinuosi 35-ojo himno apie transcendentinę meilę lietuvišku vertimu! Jay Vrindavan! Jay Harivanš!
Verčiau remdamasis Hari-Radhacharan das (https://sriharivansh.wordpress.com/sri-hit-chaurasi-84-songs-of-sri-harivansh-mahaprabhu/ (anglišką vertimą taip pat pridedu)) ir Pratibha Goswami (knygos: Hit Chaurasi- the 84 hymns of Divine Love) angliškais vertimais, bei sanskrito kalbos žodynu (https://sanskritdictionary.com/).
Radha ir Krišna supasi Vrindavane! jhūlat dou naval kishor|Šri Hit Čaurasi 35-oji malda!
jhūlat dou naval kishor
rajanī janit rang sukh sūchat ang-ang uthi bhor
Radha ir Krišna supasi Vrindavane! Atsikėlusius auštant Juos išduoda laimingi (Jų) kūnai, kuriuose galima pamatyti nakties linksmybių žymes.
“The two youths [Sri-Shyama-Shyam] are swinging to and fro,
having arisen at dawn, their every limb betrays them and indicates the night’s merriment and joy.”
ati anurāg bhare mili gāvat, sur mandar-kal-ghor
bīch-bīch prītam chit chorat, priya nain kī kor
Pilni meilės Jie vieningai, saldžiais balsais ir žemu tonu, (kartu) dainuoja. Karts nuo karto Mylimoji Radha pavergia savo Mylimojo širdį subtiliai į Jį pažvelgdama akies krašteliu.
“Full of great love, they sing together in unison in a low tone and sweet musical voice.
From time to time the beloved [Radha] captivates her Lover’s heart [with a glance] from the corner of her eye”.
abalā ati sukumār darat mann, var hindor jhakor
pulaki-pulaki prītam urr lāgat, dai nav uraj ankor
Subtilios širdies dama išsigąsta pagreitėjusio supimo tempo.* Apimta emocijų Ji priglunda prie Mylimojo krūtinės.
“So delicate, the lady is frightened in her heart by the rush of the excellent swing.
In a thrill of emotion, she clings to her lover’s chest, offering her breasts for a new embrace”.
*Sri Radha is a very soft hearted lady. She enjoys swinging. (But sakhis are very clever they know Sri Priya gets afraid becouse of too fast swinging so they start swinging little faster.) In the beginning Sri Priya becomes very happy, but suddenly she is afraid and quickly she embraces her Priyatam. Her breast touches Sri Priyatam’s chest. (This beautiful glimpse gives lots of happiness to all the sakhis along with Priyatam. Sri Priya embraces her Priyatam so tightly that her ornaments are tangled with the garlands of Sri Priyatam’s chest and she shivers becouse of modesty. This shivering gives an unexplainable joy to Sri Priyatam.)
arujhī bimal māl kankan sau, kundal sau kach dor
bepath jut kyau banai bivechat, ānand badhyau na thor
Jo stulbinanti girlianda susipainioja su Jos apyrankėmis, o garbanų sruogos – su Jo auskarais. Kaip Jie gali išsipainioti, kai abu taip nerimastingai virpa?! Ir dar jų palaima vis stiprėja (auga)!
“His perfect garland becomes entangled with her bangles and strands of his curls with her earrings.
How can they be separated when trembling so? Their bliss grows greatly.”
nirakhi-nirakhi phūlat lalitādik, bivimukh chandra chakor
dai ashīsh harivansh prashanshat kari anchal kī cchor
Lalita ir kitos sakhės žiūrėdamos į Radha Krišnos veidus džiaugiasi taip kaip čakoros paukščiai žiūrintys į mėnulį. Šri Harivanšas (Hit Sajani/Sačari) su savo sario krašteliu* laimina dieviškąją Porą!
“Looking on constantly, Lalita and the other sakhis are overjoyed – chakor birds to the moons ofthose two faces. Sri Harivansh [in his female form as Hit Sajani] whilst spreading the border of her
garment*, praises and blesses the divine couple.”
* a physical gesture to indicate blessing/protecting a beloved.